Acne skin test
Your acne skin test for home use includes four test strips for recording your skin condition. In our laboratory in Stuttgart, we evaluate your results and produce your individual enka face care consisting of acne care + acne cleansing. We analyse the following biomarkers based on your test: micro-inflammation, hyperkeratosis, seborrhoea, bacterial colonisation and moisture content.
acne care
Your individual care gel contains natural and skin-identical ingredients that work against cornification disorders, bacteria and inflammation. It also regulates the pH value and stabilises your skin barrier. The concentration and composition of the ingredients are personalised based on the results of your skin test.
acne cleansing
The Mineral Soap offers your skin a high concentration of vitamins and minerals from the Dead Sea, extracts from the leaves of the Virgin Witch Hazel and Sodium Chloride as a mineral additive with a soothing effect on your skin.
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